Musician. Plucked strings player. Composer

Satuo Video Shooting
october and november, 2020
Satuo is preparing for their'comeback' with a new video that we are shooting in autmn. One picture leaked and is now available on my website :-)

since 2021
I am currently taking a babybreak <3
Klangfarbenatelier on Soundcloud
june, 2020
The audio cut of Klangfarbenatlier 2018 is now available on soundcloud. Check it out :-)
music video of 'Hundesohn' online
january, 2020
'Valentin und die Zuckerbäcker' produced this casual.fancy video to their new track 'Hundesohn'. Enjoy it :-)
'Valentin und die Zuckerbäcker' Recording
winter, 2019
'Valentin und die Zuckerbäcker' will be recording their first full length album in winter 2019/2020. We are looking forward to presenting it somewhen in 2020... (famous last words)
'Valentin und die Zuckerbäcker' EP
june, 2019
Valentin and his boys released their first 4 Track EP in june. We are currently selling them in concert (or contact me for a copy via my contact form).